Lightbot is an educational programming puzzle game. The goal of the game is to move the Lightbot robot to light up the blue tiles and solve the levels. To do this, players must create their own mini-programs using simple commands that Lightbot can understand.
You control a robot by programming it to perform actions. Imagine your bot is a robot that needs instructions to move and light up tiles. To do this, you use a set of commands.
You have five basic commands to control your bot
Move Forward makes the bot move one square forward.
Turn Right makes the bot turn to the right.
Turn Left: Makes the bot turn to the left.
Jump makes the bot jump over obstacles.
Light makes the bot light up the tile it is standing on.
Each command has a unique symbol that you can see on the screen:
By arranging these commands, you can create a sequence that guides your bot through the levels, lighting up all the blue tiles along the way.
You simply drag and drop the command symbols into a sequence. Then, run the program to see if your bot follows the instructions correctly. If not, you can adjust the commands and try again.
There are three categories where you can place your commands: Main Method, Funct.1, and Funct.2. These sections are for testing commands.
Why use these different sections? The game counts the total number of commands you use to complete each level. Using fewer commands helps you achieve a higher score. Testing commands in Funct.1 and Funct.2 can help you find the best way to solve a level without wasting commands.
To place commands, use your mouse to drag the command symbols into the desired position. The order of commands is very important. Your bot will follow the commands from left to right and top to bottom. Be careful not to misplace any commands, or you might have to start over.
After placing your commands, press the Go button to see your bot in action. If you need to stop the bot, press the Stop button. You can then adjust the commands by changing their positions, adding new commands, or removing some. Keep adjusting until your bot successfully lights up the blue tile.
Think about the sequence of commands before you start placing them. Use Funct.1 and Funct.2 to try out commands before committing them to the Main Method. Make sure each command is in the correct order to avoid mistakes