Night Ninja is an action and adventure game that brings players dramatic battles. Show off your sword skills to kill monsters like a real ninja in the dark.
Your mission is to collect as many stars as possible in each level and destroy the opponents according to each level's requirements. The requirements for each level will appear in the right corner of the screen. Try to destroy enough targets to pass the level and continue playing the next levels.
When playing, you should combine all three keys at the same time to create a combo that causes the most damage to the opponent.
For the best gaming experience, you should play full screen to create a more exciting and stimulating feeling when playing the game.
You can customize the sound when playing, you can turn it off or on when playing the game. If you are playing alone, you should play with sound for the best gaming experience. The sound of the game also contributes to the level of immersion of the player in the game character.